Company Policies

1. Legal Reisters

Health Safety and Environment legal Register

A legal register is a document that details legislation that an organisation has to be compliant with due to the activities it undertakes. The legal register might only contain legislation of a certain type, for example, environmental or health and safety legislation.

2. Company Policies

Health and Safety Policy

A Health and Safety policy sets out your general approach and commitment together with the arrangements you have put in place for managing health and safety in your business. It is a unique document that says who does what, when and how.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

The Drug and Alcohol policy purpose is to clearly state the aim of the policy, protect employee health and welfare.  Prevent drug and alcohol-related incidents and encourage a safe workplace environment. Encourage and positive behaviours.

Enviromental Policy

Environmental policies must include a commitment to continually measure and improve environmental performance, a typical policy would seek ways to reduce energy, limit fuel consumption, lessen emissions, prevent pollution, reduce greenhouse gases, and reduce potable water consumption, or an infinite number of other related aspects. You can also visit for more information.

Hand Arm Vibration Policy

Hand Arm Vibration Policy must make sure that all staff who use hand-held power tools and equipment are prevented from developing hand-arm vibration related health conditions.

COVID-19 Risk Assessment Policy

As part of your COVID -19 Risk Assessment Policy you must: identify what work activity or situations might cause transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19) think about who could be at risk – this could include workers, visitors, contractors, and delivery drivers. decide how likely it is that someone could be exposed.

Working with Lead Policy

The organisation acknowledges the health hazards arising from exposure to lead and will protect those employees and other persons potentially exposed to lead as far as is reasonably practicable. This will be achieved by minimising exposure through suitable control measure and work practices supported by training of employees.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Policy

This explains how we hold and process your data. You can find out more by emailing

Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

This details our Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and how we reduce this through our operations.

3. Company Statements

Employee Welfare Statement

The well-being of all employees is of a primary concern by investing in the health and welfare of employees. The company is committed to producing a caring and supportive working environment which is conducive to the welfare of all employees, and which enables them to develop towards their full potential.

Ethical Souring Statement

Ethical Sourcing is the process of ensuring that the products made are obtained through responsible and sustainable methods.

4. Company Procedures

Visitors Procedure

The visitor’s procedure takes into account the well-being and safety of our visitors is one of our highest priorities, any visitor that visits our premises will be escorted at all times.

Safe Operating Procedures

A safe operating procedure (SOP) is a written document that provides step-by-step instructions on how to safely perform a task or activity which involves some risk to health and safety.

  • SSOW001 – Beam Saw
  • SSOW001 – Belt Sander
  • SSOW002 – Moulder
  • SSOW003 – Drum Sander Single Duel
  • SSOW004 – Hydraulic Veneer Press
  • SSOW004 – Router
  • SSOW005 – Hydraulic Cold Press
  • SSOW005 – Surface Planer
  • SSOW005 – Tenonor
  • SSOW006 – Mortising Machine
  • SSOW006 – Thicknesser
  • SSOW007 – Mitre Saw (Jaguar)
  • SSOW007 – Saw Panel
  • SSOW008 – Moulder
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5. Company Risk Assessments

COSHH Assessments

A COSHH assessment concentrates on the hazards and risks from hazardous substances in your workplace. Some harmful substances can be produced by the process you use, e.g., wood dust from sanding, or using a paints or varnishes.

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Display Screen Eqipment Assessment

A Display Screen Equipment Assessment is carried out, If workers use display screen equipment (DSE) daily, as part of their normal work, continuously for an hour or more, employers must complete a workstation assessment.

Fire Risk Assessment

A careful look at your premises and the people who use them, from a fire prevention perspective. It’s about understanding the potential risks, then improving your fire safety precautions to keep people safe.

Manual Handling Assessment

A manual handling assessment is required when you cannot avoid a manual handling task and there is a risk of injury. It will help you in assessing the elements of the operation and assist in deciding suitable controls.

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Noise Risk Assessment

The aim of the risk assessment is to help you decide what you need to do to ensure the health and safety of your employees who are exposed to noise, and what noise reduction measure should be introduced to reduce noise exposure to a reasonable level.

First Aid Risk Assessment

In order to decide what provisions, you need to make you should undertake a first-aid needs assessment. This assessment should consider the circumstances of your workplace, workforce and the hazards and risks that may be present. The findings will help you decide what first-aid arrangements you need to put in place.

Vibration Risk Assessment

Employees use high vibrating power pools such as drills, power saws, sanders and so on, they are at risk of getting painful and debilitating damage to nerves and circulation in the hands and arms; this is known as Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).

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Machinery Risk Assessment

When working with machinery, a risk assessment will need to be carried out and the objective is to make sure the machine is safe to use, so users don’t sustain any injuries. Machinery would have machinery interlocks and guarding, emergency stop devices including DC braking.

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Personal Protective Equipment Risk Assessment

A PPE Risk Assessment is carried out for the purpose of protecting employees against any potential injuries, precautions could include the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment to protect the user against health or safety risks. this includes items such as eye protection, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear, hearing protection and respiratory protective equipment (RPE)

COVID-19 Risk Assessment – Available on request.

The employers must make sure that a risk assessment has been undertaken to identify the measures needed to reduce the risks from coronavirus (COVID-19) so far as is reasonably practicable guidance should be considered and  control measure put in place.

6. Company Checklists

Fork Lift Truck Checklist

Check that the operators’ manual and log book are present and legible. Ensure the operators’ manual compartment is clean of debris. Test all functional safety devices, such as seat belts and horns. Check the brakes, steering controls, and other operational items for proper function.

    Are the following satisfactory?

    Oil Levels?


    Are the following in good working order?







    Tyre Condition?

    Wheel Nuts?

    By clicking submit you confirm the details above are correct. This form will be stamped with the date and time at time of submission and will be stored on our secure servers for the purpose of traceability with Health & Safety Compliance.

    By clicking submit I confirm I understand the importance of accurate and honest information requested for Health & Safety purposes and the submission of invalid data could increase the risk of serious injury.

    Submitted forms are automatically sent to The Factory Managers for actioning.

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    Fire Evacutation Checklist

    Fire and evacuation alarms are intended to alert building occupants that a fire or other life-threatening situation exists. Upon hearing the alarm, everyone should leave the building immediately.

      Is the glass intact?

      Time taken to evacuate all persons

      How many people evacuated?

      Is the Fire Call Point visible and easy to access?

      Is the Fire Call Point in good condition with no damage?

      Did all people make a safe and prompt evacuation?

      Is the Fire Call point button easy to activate without resistance?

      Can the alarm be heard in all areas?

      Is the alarm immediate on pressing the button?

      Is the alarm clear?

      This form will be stamped with the date and time at time of submission and will be stored on our secure servers for the purpose of traceability with regards to Fire Safety Compliance. (Fire Reform Order 2005)

      By clicking submit, I confirm and acknowledge, I understand the legal importance of recording accurate information required for Fire Safety compliance purposes, and the submission of incorrect, false information could increase the risk of serious injury and could lead to disciplinary actions as appropriate.

      By clicking submit. I have confirmed the details entered above are correct at the time of inspection.

      Submitted forms are automatically sent to The Factory Managers for actioning.

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      Emergency Lighting Checklist

      Test monthly test to check everything’s functioning correctly. Ensure all emergency lighting’s illuminating when the mains power is switched off using the test key and check over the casings to make sure they are clean and aren’t showing any signs of damage. Once power is restored, check they are fully charging. Keep a record of results and if deal with any failures as soon as possible.

        Are the following satisfactory and in working order?

        Is the Emergency Light visible with no obstructions

        Is the Emergency Light in good condition with no damage?

        Does the light illuminate immediately after losing mains power?

        Keep the power off for 30 seconds, is the Emergency Light still illuminated?

        This form will be stamped with the date and time at time of submission and will be stored on our secure servers for the purpose of traceability with regards to maintaining Emergency Lighting

        By clicking submit, I confirm and acknowledge, I understand the legal importance of recording accurate information required for Health & Safety compliance purposes, and the submission of incorrect, false information could increase the risk of serious injury and could lead to disciplinary actions as appropriate.

        By clicking submit. I have confirmed the details entered above are correct at the time of inspection.

        Submitted forms are automatically sent to The Factory Managers for actioning.

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        Interlocks, Emergency stops and Guarding checklist – Available on request

        Interlocks, Emergency stops, and Guarding checklist are carried out on a monthly basis and is recorded by a competent person and faults are recorded and rectified immediately.

        7. Company Inspections

        Fork Lift Truck

        Thorough examination of industrial lift trucks is required under health and safety law: LOLER 1998, which covers lifting equipment, and PUWER 1998, which deals with all other safety-related items, such as brakes, steering and tyres this is done every 12 months.

        Air Receivers

        Identification of the items of plant or equipment within the system; those parts of the system which are to be examined; the nature of the examination required, including the inspection, and testing to be carried out on any protective devices; the preparatory work needed for the item to be examined safely; where appropriate, the nature of any examination needed before the system is first used; the

        maximum interval between examinations; the critical parts of the system which, if modified or repaired, should be examined by a competent person before the system is used again; the name of the competent person certifying the written scheme of examination and the date of certification. This is carried out every 12 months by a competent persons

        Local Exhaust Ventilation – Available on request

        (LEV) is one such engineering control measure. LEV is an engineering system designed to reduce employee exposure to airborne contaminants (dust, mist, fume, vapour, gas) in the workplace by capturing the emission at source and transporting it to a safe emission point or to a filter/scrubber. This is carried out every 14 months by a competent person.


        Ladder Inspections are a vital part of using ladders safety. They should be checked before every use and regularly be a competent person  6 months.                                                

        Lifting Straps

        Most of your remaining lifting and rigging equipment like chain slings, shackles, material handling equipment etc. need to be visually inspected at 12 monthly intervals.

        Fire Extinguishers

        Fire extinguishers serviced, every 12 months – this is what’s known as a “basic service” and needs to be done in accordance with BS 5036-6. This service is best done by a third-party accredited fire extinguisher technician, with the correct tools, training, and experience. 

        8. Company Audit

        Health and Safety

        A Health and Safety review is carried out by the competent Health and Safety Consultant on a 12 monthly basis with senior Management and any corrective actions reviewed.

        9. Company Training

        Training Matrix – Availble on request

        This training matrix to be updated at regular 3 monthly intervals, making sure that any refresher training is completed.

        Induction Training

        It is a legal duty that all new employees receive a suitable induction on the first day of employment making sure that refresher induction training is carried out on a 12-month basis.

        Manual Handling Training

        It is a legal duty that all employees receive manual handling training on a continual annual basis.

        Machinery Training

        It is a legal duty that all employees receive machinery operational training on a 6 monthly basis.

        COSHH Training – To complete see managers

        It is a legal duty that all employees receive manual handling training on a continual annual basis.