Looking at joining our team? Great! Before we get started there are a few things you need to do and they are listed below. You’ll be able to view our Privacy Policy, all other policies and useful information from our portal, speak to a manager for the current password. Some tasks may need to be carried out with a colleague.

We look forward to welcoming you as part of our team!

Right to Work – Documents Required in person

As part of our responsibilities of being your employer we must carry out a Right to Work on all employees, regardless of your nationality. To help us comply with guidance set by the government please provide one of the approved documents, this can be found on https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/right-to-work-checks-employers-guide/an-employers-guide-to-right-to-work-checks-31-august-2021-accessible-version#annex-a, acceptable documentation includes Passport and Visa. Please note photo or paper driving licenses do not form part of the acceptable documentation.

As these documents are highly sensitive and important to each individual, you should take them to Scott Humphrey directly to be verified. DO NOT leave your document unattended. Humphrey & Stretton plc hold no responsibility or liability to loss or damage of documentation where the holder has left this in someone else’s possession or unattended. We will use the government’s verification process published on the gov.uk website to verify your documents.

IMPORTANT – You must provide the required documents before your first day.

Application including Personnel Details

We hold personal data, including declared medical conditions, for all colleagues. All data is processed in accordance with our GDPR policy which can be found here. Please complete the form below to provide us with all requried details.

Starter Checklist: If you don’t have a P45, can be found here.

    Your Details

    If you chose Non-Binary above please confirm your gender as on your passport, or legal status. This is required for payroll.

    Emergency Contact 1
    Please complete the details of your first emergency contact. We may use this information for but not limited to the following reasons;
    - Contact you if we can't contact you directly
    - Inform them of an incident at work
    - Share any welfare concerns we have concerning your safety both in and outside of work

    You must tell your emergency contacts you have shared their details, they can submit a freedom of information request to scott@localhost at any time to see what information we hold about them.

    We ask for their work office number and mobile number (if applicable) to ensure we can contact them in an emergency.

    Emergency Contact 2
    Please complete the details of your second emergency contact. We may use this information for but not limited to the following reasons;
    - Contact you if we can't contact you directly or your first Emergency Contact
    - Inform them of an incident at work
    - Share any welfare concerns we have concerning your safety both in and outside of work

    You must tell your emergency contacts you have shared their details, they can submit a freedom of information request to scott@localhost at any time to see what information we hold about them.

    We ask for their work office number and mobile number (if applicable) to ensure we can contact them in an emergency.

    Please provide the details of 2 references, if you are unable to get a job reference please provide details for a charater reference from a teacher, mentor or other truested body. You much tell your reference you have shared their details.
    Reference 1:
    Reference 2:

    GP Details
    We understand declaring medical conditions, allergies or medication can feel intrusive and sometimes embarrassing. We ask you still provide your medical information to allow us to provide the best help we can. We will use this information to help provide you with an inclusive working environment. We will also share this information with 999, NHS and any emergency or medical service to allow us to arrange medical care on your behalf. This information will be available to all First Aiders. It is still not a requirement to tell us about your medical information.

    Submitted forms are automatically sent to director level at Humphrey & Stretton plc for data to be processed and sent to the relevant teams. If you have any questions please contact 01992 462965 opt 0.

    Bank Details – Required in person

    Please bring your bank details with you when we complete your Right to Work. Having your bank details will let us pay you. You can find your bank details on your debit card. You will need your sort code, account number, account name & bank name.

    IMPORTANT – Your bank details must be verified before your first payment can be made.

    Health & Safety

    All colleagues must have their own steel toe caps for their first day at work. Replacement shoes will have a £30 contribution after the first year. All other PPE is included.


    All new starters have a 3 month trial period, unless agreed otherwise.